Computer Science
Computer Science
Now is the time.
With cutting edge, state-of-the-art facilities in a brand new, high-tech STEM building, this is the ideal time to study computer science at Drake and gain the skills needed to enter a career with incredible prospects. You’ll develop a deep understanding of the theory and practice of computing within the context of a courses that provide a broad foundation of knowledge that opens doors to a variety of occupations. In addition to computer programming, you’ll study computer languages, logic, data structures, and applications of computing, always with an emphasis on the art and science of problem solving—giving you the tools to succeed not just in your first job out of school, but throughout your career.
Opportunities abound
As a student in the Department of Math and Computer Science you’ll have the opportunity to participate in meaningful research and to gain experience through internships at Fortune 500 companies and nonprofits in Iowa and across the country. Students often find placement with insurance companies such as Principal Financial, with software development companies, and many other organizations.
Committed to your success
The computer science major prepares individuals for graduate school and for careers in computer applications such as software engineering. Drake graduates are employed in all 50 states and internationally.
Of course, you’ll benefit from the experiences that all Drake Bulldogs enjoy—mentorship from professors at the top of their field; résumé-worthy internships, research experiences, and other professional preparation; opportunities to learn while serving the community; and January Term experiences that immerse you into the fascinating topics—and locations—you choose.
Learn more:
Looking for your admission counselor? Visit the Admission office to find a counselor or schedule a campus visit. For all other questions about the Computer Science program at Drake University, please reach out to the contact below.
Computer Science Website | College of Arts & Sciences
Tim Urness
Associate Professor of Computer Science