The Center for Professional Studies has the expertise to help you meet the needs and challenges of your unique organization.
Drawing on Drake University Zimpleman College of Business faculty expertise, we collaborate with you, the client, to design and deliver a mission-focused, coordinated, and academically sound program of study.
A typical program is designed around a group learning format for up to 30 professionals. The "class" meets in an all-day format onsite at the client's facility or on the Drake campus in our adult learning classroom on a schedule designed to meet the needs of the client. Parking, food, and other amenities are provided. The length of programs can vary between one or two consecutive days up to 25 or more days unfolding over a period of months. Many programs run between 5 and 15 days, occurring over a 2-3 month period. In some cases, a customized program can be designed to provide a jumpstart into a Zimpleman College of Business graduate degree, such as the MBA or MPA degree program.
Examples of tailored subject areas customized for the client include:
We are pleased to discuss the learning needs of your organization with you.
We are pleased to discuss the learning needs of your organization with you.
Lance NoeDirector, Center for Professional StudiesDrake University Zimpleman College of Business (515)