The Mission of the Honors Program is to create an environment, in and out of the classroom, that continually pushes members of the Honors program, and subsequently all University members, to develop the skills necessary to engage complex problems with patience, depth and creativity.
The Drake Honors program is an intellectual community recognizable by the members’ willingness to engage problems that require creative question posing and a willingness to follow where the questioning takes them. Members of the Honors Program focus on developing and using skills of creativity and critical engagement with texts and other participants in conversations. Unwilling to be satisfied with simple answers or ways of understanding issues, members of the Honors community will actively seek insights from a wide variety of ways of thinking about and representing the world
The Honors Program accomplishes this by emphasizing a commitment to interdisciplinarity, student centered learning, instructors teaching as co-learners, and approaches to creating learning environments supported by educational research. Doing so, the Honors Program will help to prepare graduates for life in world filled with complexity and unpredictability.