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Drake Real Estate

Browse off-campus rental housing available for Drake University students.

Drake Real Estate student housing offers apartments and houses, owned by Drake University, for rent to students enrolled at the University. All of the properties within walking distance to campus and Dogtown businesses. 

Drake Real Estate offers 1 or 2 bedroom apartments and 2, 3, 4, and 5 bedroom houses. Each unit is equipped with a stove, refrigerator, blinds, and parking. All other furnishings are the responsibility of the tenant. Lawn care and snow removal of driveway are provided by Drake University.  All homes are patrolled by campus security and maintained by Drake Property Management and Drake Facilities.  

Office Hours

Drake Real Estate is available during regular business hours Monday thru Friday to address non-emergency issues. After hours and emergency maintenance service is also available.

Drake University Real Estate
2507 University Ave.
Old Main, Room 307
Phone: 515-271-1982

Monday—Friday | 9:00am-3:00pm and by appointment