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Residence Life Mission Statement

The Office of Residence Life is committed to empowering students in their personal growth and development while providing them with the support and opportunities for involvement. Our goal is to integrate living and learning while supporting the educational goals of our students and the institution.

The residence life program at Drake exists as an integral part of the educational and support service of the university. We fulfill our commitment to students by:

  • Establishing a positive living environment in the residence hall communities.
  • Assessing the needs of students and the university and providing programs and activities that fulfill those needs.
  • Responding effectively to student concerns and addressing student behavior.

To establish a positive living environment, we:

  • Facilitate students adjustment to the university culture by cultivating a supportive, well maintained, safe and sanitary community in all residence halls.
  • Get to know students as individuals.
  • Encourage students to take responsibility for their educational experience.
  • Communicate expectations and community standards clearly.
  • Provide avenues for student input into policies, living options and the opportunity to evaluate services and staff.

To evaluate the needs of students we develop programs, activities and partnerships that:

  • Assist students with the development of life skills.
  • Integrate life experiences and classroom experiences which will help them connect with the campus community.
  • Provide students with opportunities to develop positive social relationships.
  • Support for students' academic progress and success through a variety of residence based freshman experiences.
  • Development of a pluralistic community where all students feel included, where the environment allows for the free exchange of views as well as the freedom to differ on a variety of topics.

To respond to student concerns effectively and to address student behavior, we:

  • Intervene early when situations arise.
  • Hold students accountable for their behavior, while affirming the individual.
  • Provide students with clear follow-up in the resolution of concerns.
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University News
February 28, 2025