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Spring Orientation

Message from Marina Verlengia,

Director, New Student & Parent Programs

Welcome to Drake University!

New Drake students have indicated that the Spring Orientation Program is a great opportunity to become better acclimated to campus, learn about resources and meet those individuals who are committed to students’ success. Therefore, we have designed the Spring Orienation Program to include distinct opportunities to meet your particular needs. In this program you will:

  • increase knowledge of academic policies and procedures
  • learn about resources and services that will enhance your day-to-day experiences
  • begin to partner with faculty and staff to achieve your personal and academic goals
  • build meaningful relationships other new students!

The activities planned for you will be interactive and comprehensive, but compact. We highly encourage you to participate in the program on Friday, January 26, 9:00AM – 3:00PM.

Your experiences will be enhanced by interactions with Peer Mentors. These current students will be available to work with you during this program as well as throughout the spring semester. Even though Peer Mentors represent their specific college or school, they also have a great deal of general knowledge about Drake. A Peer Mentor will begin communication with you via your Drake email very soon. If you do not hear from a Peer Mentor, please email

We realize you may already have other obligations; however, becoming more knowledgeable about how things work at Drake before classes begin can be very significant in your successful transition to Drake. We hope you will take advantage of this special opportunity.


University Calendar 
University News
February 28, 2025