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Resources for Drake Students

What Can Starfish Do For You?

Drake cares about your success! That’s why we’re using Starfish Student Success to empower you to be successful.

Get help today!
Starfish Student Success

The Starfish platform can help us support you when you need it and make it easy for you to find the right people and services. The platform also makes it easy for those people to engage with you when they recognize that you need extra help.

Made just for you!

The Starfish platform is a powerful tool for Drake to help you finish what you start. Some other benefits that you will experience with the Starfish platform are:

  • Learn immediately when there’s a concern about your academic performance – or something else that is interfering with your studies.
  • Easily discover which support services are available to you, where they are, and how best to reach out to them by using the Services Catalog on your Starfish dashboard.
  • Receive notifications and reminders the way you prefer, on the device you prefer.
  • Learn the next steps to take to proceed in your academic path or to resolve a concern. Check in on your own progress as often as you need to.
  • Get inspired by encouraging messages from the people who recognize your hard work.
Celebrate your successes!

The best part is that when you have done something worth celebrating – including turning around a difficult situation – your instructors can use the Starfish platform to send you a Kudo. You’ll be surprised how much a little positive news can brighten your day.

Student Getting Started Guide
Student Appointment Scheduling Guide

Scheduling Tutoring

Accommodation Renewal Guide