Media Coverage
Media Coverage
More than 1,500 journalists visited Drake University prior to the Iowa caucuses, broadcasting on-campus events to a global audience. Reporters, producers, and on-air personalities were impressed with the character of our students, the beauty of our campus, and the personality of this community.

The Huffington Post
“It kind of goes to my head a little bit, going to school in Des Moines… The candidates are just so accessible.” — These Iowa students say Clinton won the debate, but it won’t change the race

National Public Radio
“My whole college experience is really kind of based around this year and this caucus. I’ve been at this school three years, and I’ve been involved in politics in Iowa. That’s pretty unique and exciting…” — Reflections on a campus visit

ABC World News Tonight
"We came to Drake University to ask that burning question: What the heck is a caucus?" — What the heck is a caucus

The Des Moines Register
“The benefits are so numerous it would be impossible to measure. Our banner is going to be flying on all these broadcasts.” — Drake University enjoying debate spotlight

“Isabella Barrett, 18, was practically in tears. She looked up at the podiums where Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley would be standing only a few hours later, and thought, ‘One day, I could be here.’” — Young political junkies move to Iowa, not Washington D.C. for college
Audio & Video
NPR “Going There” with Michele Martin - 11/10/2015
Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum - 1/11/2016
Photo Albums
While Drake was mentioned more than 20,000 times across print, digital, and broadcast news outlets, much of the conversation took place on social media. Twitter played a particularly influential role in the presidential election cycle.
How'd the caucuses go last night? Four Drake students are up early to discuss results w/ @raziaiqbal of @BBCNewshour
— Drake University (@DrakeUniversity) February 2, 2016
Just a few media at @HillaryClinton event at Drake University.
— Drake University (@DrakeUniversity) February 2, 2016
The scene inside the Democratic caucus at @DrakeUniversity's Olin Hall. #iacaucus
— Grant Rodgers (@GrantMRodgers) February 2, 2016
Rachel Paine Caufield explaining a caucus to @PeterAlexander for @NBCNews.
— Drake University (@DrakeUniversity) February 1, 2016
Going live on @GMA on the East Coast momentarily.
— Drake University (@DrakeUniversity) February 1, 2016
Great to host @alroker for a light snack at @JethrosBBQDrake Come back when you're hungry Al -you're always welcome!
— Adam Emmenecker (@aceofdrake) January 31, 2016
My round table with first-time Iowa caucus-goers at @DrakeUniversity. Very enlightening! Join us on @NewDay Sunday
— Victor Blackwell CNN (@VictorCNN) January 30, 2016
PHOTO: Well over 100 students, dozens of national media outlets attend mock #iacaucus event tonight.
— Drake University (@DrakeUniversity) January 28, 2016
ICYMI: @DrakeUniversity Professor Dennis Goldford on the history of the #IowaCaucus
— Washington Journal (@cspanwj) January 10, 2016
That's a lot of people seeing Drake University on national television.
— Drake University (@DrakeUniversity) November 16, 2015
Sophomore Brandi Dye (@14bad01) to @NPRMichel: "I carry my voter registration card with me because I'm so proud."
— Drake University (@DrakeUniversity) November 11, 2015
Drake student Xavier Quinn with @ChrisCuomo of @CNN, which broadcast live from @MarsCafe this morning. #iacaucus
— Drake University (@DrakeUniversity) February 1, 2016
Live from Drake
Select national and international credentialed media
ABC News
Agence France-Presse
Al Jazeera (America, English, International)
ARD German TV
Associated Press
AP Television
Asahi Shimbun (Japan)
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
BBC World News
Bipartisan Report
Bloomberg News
Boston Globe
CBS News
China Central Television
Corriere della Sera (Italy)
Dagsavisen (Sweden)
The Daily Show
Daily Telegraph of London
Danish Broadcasting Corporation
The Des Moines Register
Esquire Magazine
Expressen (Sweden)
Fox News Channel
Fuji TV (Japan)
Getty Images
Gray Television
The Guardian
Hearst Television
The Huffington Post
KBS (Korea)
Kongressen (Denmark)
Lee Enterprises
Los Angeles Times
McClatchy Newspapers
Media Matters for America
Media Research Center
The Nation
National Journal
National Public Radio
NBC News
The New York Times
NHK Japan Broadcasting
Nieuwsuur (The Netherlands)
Nippon Television (Japan)
Norwegian Broadcasting Corp.
Omaha World-Herald
Philadelphia Inquirer
RTR TV (Russia)
San Antonio Chronicle
Scholastic News Kids Press Corps
Sky News (United Kingdom)
Tokyo Broadcasting System (Japan)
TV2 Denmark
USA Today
Vox Media
Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
Washington Times
Yahoo! Politics